schevo agnostic first attempt
2007-02-24 15:52:10 UTC

attached is my attempt at providing backends support to schevo.

1/ are the names ok?

2/ is the use of optimize.bind_all(sys.modules[__name__]) correct? is
it needed/useful in this context?

3/ when opening a storage which has been created by an incompatible
backend (i.e. create with durus, opened with ZODB) the backends raise
errors. Should we wrap all these with a WrongBackendError? (i already
tried but due to the various errors possible at storage creation time it
seems to me that it doesn't really makes sense, i'd still like have your
approval on that one)

4/ should we go further and create a mixin for external_durus and
external_zodb (the difference between the classes is the
FileStorage/ClientStorage instantiation) to avoid the 5 to 8 lines of
duplicate code?

thanks for any feedback

2007-02-24 16:02:18 UTC
oh i forgo,t it needs some unit testing (i still have to figure out
what to test)

On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 16:52:10 +0100
Post by lekma
attached is my attempt at providing backends support to schevo.
1/ are the names ok?
2/ is the use of optimize.bind_all(sys.modules[__name__]) correct? is
it needed/useful in this context?
3/ when opening a storage which has been created by an incompatible
backend (i.e. create with durus, opened with ZODB) the backends raise
errors. Should we wrap all these with a WrongBackendError? (i already
tried but due to the various errors possible at storage creation time
it seems to me that it doesn't really makes sense, i'd still like
have your approval on that one)
4/ should we go further and create a mixin for external_durus and
external_zodb (the difference between the classes is the
FileStorage/ClientStorage instantiation) to avoid the 5 to 8 lines of
duplicate code?
thanks for any feedback